Our vision is a just world with a quality of life. We want a world where people and not discriminated, valued and treated equally, enjoy their rights as full citizens, and can influence decision affecting their lives.
Our vision is for every human being where they are protected, cared for and given the opportunities to becomes all god meant them to be.
where they can grow strong in communities free of need and full of promise. where they become responsible citizens of well-led nations. where peace and justice reign and all have the rights to contribute.
MAKAL is a National Organization whose mission is to work for human welfare working with children, women’s, poor and people with disability.
As we know India is a country where 22% nearly 270 million of people are officially stated as below poverty line and nearly 31 million peoples are jobless. We are committed to those people to educate them by skills training programs and other activities, educating poor children’s and women.
We are called ourselves to serve the neediest people, as all people on earth are being made in the image of God, they are of equal value and worth. Therefore, we are committed to the poor people and communities to support them as to fulfill their basic needs, livelihood, their rights, overcome injustice and to fulfill their god given potential. We do this by acknowledging the integrity, worth and initiative of those who are oppressed by poverty in all our educational and fundraising activities.
We are responsive for the life- treating emergencies where our involvement is needed and appropriate. We are willing to take intelligent risk and act quickly.
We are responsive to new and unusual opportunities. We encourage innovation, creativity and flexibility. We manage am attitude of learning, reflection and discovery in order to grow in
We regard all people and lives as created and loved by God. We give priority to all lives before money, systems, structures and other institutional machinery.
We value the lives of plant and animals too, our so many programs and activities are being held on caring for the plants and planting them.
We respect every person we are working for and the one who is working for these lives.
The resources we receive are not our own. They are received through donors on behalf of the poor. We are faithful and accountable to the purpose which those resources are donated and we manage them to brings maximum benefits for the human welfare and for this planet.
We work our work honestly. We are open in our dealings with public, governments, donors and with each other.
We demand of ourselves high standards of professional’s competence and accept the need to be accountable through appropriate structures for achieving these standards. We share our knowledge and experience with others where it can assist them.
We recognize the value cannot be legislated; they must be lived. We focus on our core values and try hard to fulfill the values of this organization for the mankind.