At MAKAL, strategic planning is an important exercise to provide strategic direction to the organization factoring in the context, it was created to strengthen our focus on monitoring and evaluation, research and learning, and knowledge management, so the challenges and opportunities and making our response relevant to the prevailing issue of justice, human rights, and poverty.
The process that gave us the current plan beginning in April 2017 and concluding on march 2018 was an experience of great learning. Of much significance were the revisiting and rewriting of the vision and mission statement of the organization and realigning the goals within the new framework.
Our strategy is to work with vulnerable peoples and especially women, poor and children’s so they can learn, leas, decide and thrive. Within this strategy we have an ambition to transform the lives of 10 million peoples. Human welfare, human rights and grassroots community work are central to our strategy and achieving this ambition.
We had also sharpened our focus trainings and programs and refined our responses with clear indicators. In a comprehensive approach to our vision statement of “providing happiness and Quality of life”. We have advisedly included in our plan efforts to reach out to the non-poor and to motivate them to live responsible and compassionate lives that will address issue of human rights, poverty, marginalization and the environment.
Our human welfare and development themes include conflict resolution & peace building and human trafficking recognizing the immensity of these issue and the pressing need to respond. We are also striving to raise funds from within the country.
As we stride into the future and carry out our plans for the years 2018-2023, we are deeply aware of the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead. But through us believe and faith we hope of achieving our plans. Trust in God who has led us thus far and who will continue to lead us in transforming those lives and communities. Faith in our staff who untiringly and selflessly love and serve communities with commitment and passion. Faith in our supporting and implementing partners that they will continue to journey with us. Faith in our past experience and knowledge that it will help bring the impact in our programs and faith in our values, vision, systems and procedures that afford transparency and accountability to be good stewards of the resources entrusted us.
Executive Director